Kikendaasogamig Elementary School
Lee McArthur
Tel: 519-534-0719
Fax: 519-534-1592
Gr. 7-8 Teacher
Kathy Elmer
Gr. 5-6 Teacher
Danielle Stabenow
Gr. 3-4 Teacher
Andrew Nadjiwan
Gr. 1-2 Teacher/Lead Teacher
Kerri Catley
Kindergarten Teacher
Sara Judges
Special Education Resource Teacher/Lead Teacher
Diana Millar
Educational Assistants
- Sandra Lavalley
- Amanda Cunningham
Special Education:
- Laurie Frith
Gr. 1/2 – Jennifer Johnston
Gr. 3/4 – Greg Millar
Gr. 5/6 – Paula Keeshig
Gr. 7/8 – Patrick King
Ojibway Language Resource Teacher
To be Determined
Literacy Teacher
Enza Vaccher
Kikendaasogamig Student Support Services Program
Melissa Hill-Solomon
Kathryn Loyal
Lee MacArthur
Assistant Custodian
Darren Johnston
Bus Contractor
CWright Transportation
The Kikendaasogamig Elementary School provides education for Junior Kindergarten to Grade 8 students in our community. We strive to offer quality education to enable our students to become successful First Nation community members and global lifelong learners. In partnering with the community and parents we provide the best of our teachings and language to aid our students in developing Anishinaabe Pride. We offer Ojibway language instruction and incorporate cultural education in our school. We also provide a wide range of special education support to our students in need. In addition, we also provide a "Daily Breakfast" program.