Jan. 14, 2022: Family Pandemic Planning Guide for Neyaashiinigmiing – please fill out.

Social Services at Nawash has designed a Family Emergency Health Guide to help prepare families during the current wave of this pandemic.
The intention of this guide is to have every household think about their individual pandemic plans.  By filling out this form, you are creating a plan that can help lessen the stress and impact of the COVID 19 pandemic on your household. The answers will also assist emergency services should they be called to your home.
Please take 5-10 minutes to fill out the Family Pandemic Planning Guide through SurveyMonkey: https://www.surveymonkey.com/FamilyPandemicPlanningGuide
Please note, we have also printed off this guide and distributed it to each household across Neyaashiinigming. If you prefer – please fill out the hard copy you received in your mailbox on Jan 14, 2022 and:
1. Drop the plan off into the drop box outside Social Services especially if you do not have phone, or internet in the home.
2. Post on your home fridge so if emergency services are called they can easily refer to this plan.
If you need assistance or have difficulty with filling out this planning guide please contact:
Amy Ingram  519-534-3753 or clientsupport@nawashfn.ca


Chippewas of Nawash Unceded First Nation Newsletter


Community Updates  | January 14, 2022


There is an active COVID-19 outbreak in Neyaashiinigmiing.
The community continues to remain closed to all except for residents, employees and essential services.
Band Buildings are currently closed to the public.
Essential Services such as Health and Social Assistance are still available by appointment only.

Please continue to check our Nawash website (www.nawash.ca) and Facebook page (www.facebook.com/CONUFN) for any updates pertaining to COVID-19 and our community.


As of Tues. Jan. 11, 2022


As of Thurs. Jan. 13, 2022


This is a reminder to all community members. The next vaccine clinic date for ADULTS 12 years and up, is on January 20th. This includes any dose; 1, 2, or 3. Please schedule by January 17th, to ensure there are enough vaccine doses for the clinic.


The Health Centre continues to be committed to helping protect the health and safety of individuals living in Neyaashiinigming. We encourage you to please call the main number should you have questions or if you require any help at 519-534-0373. This phone line remains open Monday to Friday, 8:30am-4:30pm.

If you need something or are having difficulties reaching someone on the main line, please contact:
Cynthia Porter, Registered Nurse & Health Manager – cell: (519) 374-7861
SpringDawn Cook-Ackiwenzie, RPN, Community Health Nurse – cell: (519) 378-6028


Last week we communicated that the Health Centre in Neyaashiinigming has received Rapid COVID-19 Test Kits in response to the highly transmissible COVID-19 variant, Omicron, being present in our community.

We continue to ask that if you are a resident living in Neyaashiinigmiing displaying symptoms of COVID-19, or suspect you may have it, please call the Health Centre at 519-534-0373. A medical professional will conduct a COVID-19 assessment over the phone and depending on the outcome will deliver a Rapid COVID-19 Testing Kit to your home.

There are several reasons why we are not distributing a Rapid COVID-19 Test to each household.

1)     Unfortunately, Rapid COVID-19 Tests are not designed to withstand freezing temperatures which we have been experiencing here in Neyaashiinigming – therefore delivering them to each household’s mailbox is not feasible.

2)     More importantly however, is the Health Centre wants to ensure that any member or individual living in Neyaashiinigming that may have COVID-19 or exposed has the proper information and support in place.

Just a reminder that these rapid tests are only available to individuals living in Neyaashiinigmiing.


  • Fever (a temperature of 37.8 degrees Celsius or higher) and/or chills
  • Cough, including a barking cough or croup (continuous, more than usual, making a whistling noise when breathing)
  • Shortness of breath (out of breath, unable to breathe deeply)
  • Decrease or loss of taste or smell
  • Nausea, vomiting and/or diarrhea
  • Muscle aches, joint pain and/or extreme tiredness
  • Headache
  • Congestion or runny nose

More information can be found here: https://www.publichealthgreybruce.on.ca/About-Us/News-Releases/ArticleID/971/Updated-Eligibility-for-PCR-Testing-and-Case-and-Contact-Management-Guidance-in-Ontario


Important Notice
Nawash Health Centre  Services
Available through till January 24, 2021

With the rise of COVID cases in the community all band buildings have been closed till January 24, 2022. This situation is being monitored daily.

Chief and Council have directed that all band buildings be closed.  The health center will be closed and the doors will be locked.  Phones will be answered between 8:30 and noon and noon until 4:30. Due to the decrease of staff in the building, we may not be able to answer the phones immediately.  Please leave a message., including a call back number.

HCC – Providing Personal Care only at this time.  HCC Administrator Norma Tobey Working Remotely 519-374-4178.  The HCC phone number will not be answered or monitored.  Please contact Norma Tobey or the health center’s main line (519) 534-0373

Medical Transportation – Call Health Centre 519-534-0373 to book a ride 48 hours before your appointment.  Med Trans lines are not being answered or monitored.  Call 911 in case of emergency.

Medicine Pick up and Delivery – Medications are being delivered to the Health Centre on Thursdays and will be delivered to the homes on Friday.  Please contact the Health Center before 11:00 on Thursday if you need your medications picked up.

Nursing Services – Flu Shots and other vaccines available with an appointment.

SOAHAC –  The Nurse Practitioner, Kelsey Young with be at the Health Centre on Mondays and Thursdays (starting January 13th).  SOAHAC will contact you with instructions for your appointment.  If you wish to make an appointment, you are required by calling SOAHAC at (519) 376-5508.

Good Food Box – these resources will be transferred to the Food Bank for this period to enable the Food Bank to have fresh fruits and vegetables.

Cheques can be picked up at the Health Centre between 2:30 and 4:00 on Fridays.  Please call us when you arrive and we will meet you at the door with your cheque.  If you are without at cell phone, please call before you leave and let us know at what time you will be at the health center.

Contact Information:
Health Centre                                                                                                                519-534-0373
Cynthia Porter, Health Manager –                                                                        Cell #519-374-7861
Spring-Dawn Akiwenzie-Cook, CHN –                                                                 Cell #519-378-6028
Norma Tobey, HCC Administrator –                                                                     Cell #519-374-4178



Keep on your fridge as a reminder.



We have been informed that many residents have received a notification to obtain dog tags for each dog they own. Please disregard this form. This is not applicable to residents in Neyaashiinigming.


The Last Post Fund introduced the Indigenous Veterans Initiative (IVI) in 2019. An initiative of the Last Post Fund National Office, the IVI is consistent with the Canadian government’s efforts towards advancing reconciliation and renewing the relationship with Indigenous peoples based on the recognition of rights, respect, cooperation and partnership.

This initiative has two components:
Indigenous Unmarked Graves: To provide grave markers to Indigenous Veterans deceased for over 5 years and lying in unmarked graves.
Indigenous Traditional Name Marking: To add traditional names of Indigenous Veterans to existing military grave markers.

Both of these initiatives require research and community support from members of Indigenous communities throughout Canada.

If any family is interested in applying for a grave marker, please fill out the form below.


Recently we shared a link from the Government of Ontario on our website which may provide valuable information for anyone in need of assistance. Learn what financial, mental health and other supports are available during covid 19 at  https://www.ontario.ca/page/covid-19-support-people


Case counts and vaccine data is taken from GBHU Epidemiological Reports as of
23:59 hrs, January 12, 2022:

All data is preliminary and subject to change. Future situation reports will be updated accordingly.

  • 54 new cases reported in past 24 hours in Grey Bruce:
  • New cases will no longer be reported by municipality, but are available in the municipal graphs at the end of this report.
  •  Please note – New cases reported are not an accurate representation of caseloads in the community due to recent changes in testing in Ontario: https://www.publichealthgreybruce.on.ca/About-Us/News-Releases/ArticleID/971/Updated-Eligibility-for-PCR-Testing-and-Case-and-Contact-Management-Guidance-in-Ontario_
  • New cases only represent those that are eligible to be tested.
  • Please Practice safely to prevent COVID-19 at all times
  • 4765 Confirmed Cases
  • 245 active cases
  • 4488 resolved cases
  • 13 confirmed local active cases hospitalized in Grey Bruce due to COVID-19
  • 2 confirmed case from Grey Bruce is hospitalized outside of Grey Bruce due to COVID-19
  • 19 deaths in Grey Bruce
  • +1 death related to a Grey Bruce resident that acquired the infection and was treated outside of Grey Bruce
  •  +7 deaths related to Grey Bruce residents that acquired the infection in Grey Bruce however passed away outside of Grey Bruce
  •  Local and Provincial data may not align as cases with unconfirmed cause of death are not included above but are included in the Provincial data.
  •  228 cases reported in health care workers; reports health care workers living in Grey Bruce and working both in and outside Grey Bruce

Active Outbreaks

  • 1 Facility(ies) in COVID-19 outbreak. Reported in Hospitals
    • Grey Bruce Health Services – Owen Sound Site
  • 10 Facility(ies) in COVID-19 outbreak. Reported in Long-Term Care/Retirement Homes
  • Rockwood Terrace Long Term Care – Durham
  • Pinecrest Manor – Lucknow
  • Errinrung Retirement & Nursing Home –Thornbury
  • McVean Lodge – Hanover
  • R-Villa Retirement Living – Ripley
  • Parkview Manor – Chesley
  • Mapleview Long-Term Care Home – Owen Sound
  • Lee Manor – Owen Sound
  • Grey Gables – Markdale
  • Maple Court Villa – Walkerton

Vaccine – for detailed information please visit:

  • 327,920 Total Doses of COVID-19 vaccine administered in Grey and Bruce
  • 14,401 Doses given within the past week

Future Vaccination Planning: https://www1.publichealthgreybruce.on.ca/Portals/0/Topics/InfectiousDiseases/COVID19/Weekly_Vaccine_Schedule.pdf

  • Everyone aged 12-59 requiring first second or third doses requires an appointment at all clinics (no walk-ins). Everyone is strongly encouraged to book for all appointments; however those 60+ may be accommodated for walk-ins depending on clinic capacity.
  • Hockey Hubs end January 21, 2022 – Book Now: https://covid-19.ontario.ca/book-vaccine/
  • See Vaccine Clinics – details at Vaccine Schedule

(Make sure to scroll to the proper page of the schedule) (https://www1.publichealthgreybruce.on.ca/Portals/0/Topics/InfectiousDiseases/COVID19/Weekly_Vaccine_Schedule.pdf


Reminder – Updated Eligibility for PCR Testing and
Case and Contact Management Guidance in Ontario

The following Media Release is issued to remind the residents of Grey and Bruce of the change to testing criteria and case and contact management in Ontario as it pertains to COVID-19, and to reiterate the importance of patience and kindness at this time.

Many residents are attending assessment centres and requesting/demanding testing while not meeting the new eligibility. Reports are also indicating that staff at assessment centres are being met with challenging and sometimes abusive language.

At this time, it is more important than ever to remain kind.  Staff must follow new guidelines, and we ask the residents of Grey and Bruce to review and understand the new testing and case and contact management protocols set forth by the province, and to treat all with kindness and understanding as we all work to follow and understand these new protocols. If you do not met eligibility for testing, you will not be tested.

Previous releases outlining these changes are available at:

As a reminder to the above news releases, the Grey Bruce Health Unit would like to remind everyone of the following.

Key changes include the following:

  • Symptomatic testing will be available for high-risk individuals, and individuals who work in high-risk settings.
  • Individuals with symptoms consistent with COVID-19 are presumed positive and they should follow isolation and/or self-monitoring guidelines.
  • Testing for asymptomatic contacts of cases is generally no longer recommended, except for high-risk contacts/individuals that are part of confirmed or suspected outbreaks in high-risk settings, as recommended by public health.
  • Positive rapid antigen tests will no longer require PCR confirmation.
  • Based on the latest scientific evidence, individuals with COVID-19 should isolate for five days if they are fully vaccinated or under the age of 12, and if their symptoms are improving for at least 24 hours.

Eligible Groups for PCR Testing

Effective December 31, 2021, PCR testing will only be recommended for individuals if they belong to the following groups:

  • Symptomatic people who fall into one of the following groups:
    • Hospitalized patients
    • Patients in Emergency Departments, at the discretion of the treating clinician
    • Patient-facing health care workers
    • Staff, residents, essential care providers, and visitors in hospitals and congregate living settings, including long-term care, retirement homes, First Nation elder care lodges, group homes, shelters, hospices, temporary foreign worker settings, and correctional institutions
    • Outpatients for whom COVID-19 treatment is being considered
    • Under housed or homeless
  • People who are from First Nation, Inuit, and Métis communities and individuals travelling into these communities for work
  • Symptomatic elementary and secondary students and education staff who have received a PCR self-collection kit through their school
  • People on admission/transfer to or from hospital or congregate living setting
  • High-risk contacts and asymptomatic/symptomatic people in the context of confirmed or suspected outbreaks in high-risk settings, including hospitals, long-term care, retirement homes, other congregate living settings and institutions, and other settings as directed by the local public health unit
  • Individuals, and one accompanying caregiver, with written prior approval for out-of-country medical services from the General Manager, OHIP
  • Asymptomatic testing in hospital, long-term care, retirement homes and other congregate living settings and Institutions as per provincial guidance and/or Directives

If you have symptoms of COVID-19

If you have symptoms of COVID-19, you must isolate. These symptoms include:

  • fever or chills
  • cough
  • shortness of breath
  • decreased or loss of taste or smell
  • two or more of:
    • runny nose or nasal congestion
    • headache
    • extreme fatigue
    • sore throat
    • muscle aches or joint pain
    • gastrointestinal symptoms (such as vomiting or diarrhea)

Individuals who are vaccinated, as well as children under 12 who have symptoms of COVID-19 (as listed above) will be required to isolate for five days following the onset of symptoms. These individuals can end isolation after five days if their symptoms are improving for at least 24 hours, and all public health and safety measures, such as masking and physical distancing, are followed

Individuals who are unvaccinated, partially vaccinated or immunocompromised will be required to isolate for 10 days.

If you are someone who works or lives in a high risk-health care setting (i.e., hospitals, long-term care, retirement homes, congregate living settings) you must notify your employer. Individuals who work or live in these settings should not attend work for 10 days from their symptom onset, or from their date of diagnosis. To ensure sufficient staffing levels, workers in these settings may have the opportunity to return to work early on day seven of their isolation, with a negative PCR test, or two negative rapid antigen tests on day six and seven. Speak with your employer or occupational health and safety department for more information.

All household contacts must also isolate for the same duration as the person with symptoms, regardless of their vaccination status. If you have symptoms of COVID-19, you should also consider informing close contacts beyond your household contacts by providing them with the link to Ontario.ca/exposed. Individuals who are eligible for a lab-based PCR test are encouraged to get tested.

If you have concerns about your symptoms, contact your doctor, health care provider or Telehealth for more information and guidance. If you develop severe symptoms requiring medical attention, such as shortness of breath or chest pain, call 911.

If you do not have symptoms of COVID-19 but are feeling unwell, isolate until symptoms have improved for at least 24 hours.

If you’ve been exposed to someone who has tested positive for COVID-19

If you are fully vaccinated and you have no symptoms, and do not live with the positive case, you are advised to:

  • Self-monitor for symptoms for 10 days since you last interacted with the positive case
  • Maintain masking, physical distancing and adherence to all other public health measures if leaving home
  • Do not visit any high-risk settings or individuals who may be at higher risk of illness (e.g., seniors) for 10 days from your last exposure.

If you are not fully vaccinated, or are immunocompromised, you must isolate immediately for 10 days following your last contact. If you live with the positive case, you must isolate for the length of their isolation period.

Individuals who are eligible for testing are encouraged to get tested.

If you live, work, attend, volunteer, or have been admitted in a high-risk health care setting, you must notify your employer and should not visit the high-risk setting for 10 days since your last exposure or symptom onset, or from your date of diagnosis. To ensure sufficient staffing levels, workers in these settings will have the opportunity to return to work early on day seven of their isolation with a negative PCR test, or two negative rapid antigen tests on day six and seven. If you live in a high-risk setting, you should isolate regardless of vaccination status.

If you have COVID-19 based on a positive test result

If you test positive from a PCR, rapid molecular or a rapid antigen test and you are fully vaccinated or under 12 years of age, you must isolate for five days from the positive test result if you have no symptoms or from symptom onset and until their symptoms are improving for 24 hours (or 48 hours if gastrointestinal symptoms).

If you are partially vaccinated, unvaccinated or immunocompromised, you should self-isolate for 10 days from the onset of symptoms, or from the date of your test (whichever came sooner).

In addition, household contacts of individuals who have tested positive must also self-isolate during this time. Individuals must isolate regardless of their vaccination status.

You should also notify your close contacts. A close contact is anyone you were less than two metres away from for at least 15 minutes, or multiple shorter lengths of time, without personal protective equipment in the 48 hours before your symptoms began or your positive test result, whichever came first.

Appropriate Use of Rapid Antigen Testing

Ontario currently has a limited supply of rapid antigen tests that are being prioritized for health care and highest risk settings. This includes rapid antigen test use for “test-to-work” in which asymptomatic staff in these sectors can return to work when they would otherwise be on isolation at home.

Focusing the use of rapid antigen tests for these sectors will help keep hospitals, long-term care and retirement homes and congregate settings operating as safely as possible. As of December 20, a total of 50 million rapid antigen tests have been deployed across more than 49,000 sites since the beginning of the pandemic, with the vast majority (approximately 41 million) deployed to these priority sectors.

Rapid antigen testing may be used to confirm if a symptomatic individual has COVID-19, with no requirement for a confirmatory PCR or rapid molecular test.

In addition to Ontario directly procuring additional rapid tests where possible, the province is continuing to urge the federal government to make more rapid tests available to provinces as quickly as possible.

How to Access Supports While Isolating

If you require assistance while isolating, visit COVID-19: Support for people. People can also contact their public health unit for many isolation supports including:

Employers cannot threaten, fire, or penalize an employee in any other way because the employee took or plans on taking job-protected leave due to COVID-19, and doctors notes are not required for employees to use the leave. You can learn more about job-protected leave here: https://www.ontario.ca/document/your-guide-employment-standards-act-0/infectious-disease-emergency-leave#reasonsemergencyleave



Anticipated Employment Opportunities at Chippewas of Nawash:

Band Members Preferred
Term of Employment:
   Casual Contracts
Hours of Work:       Varies
Closing Date:     TBD

Chippewas of Nawash Unceded First Nation is looking to compile a list of interested Applicants for the following anticipated Employment Opportunities:

Contact Tracing Monitors $20 per hour

  • Valid Ontario Class G Driver’s Licence
  • Professional and courteous individuals
  • Reliable with ability to work shift work
  • Comfortable working in all weather conditions
  • Excellent communication and conflict resolution skills
  • Acceptable Criminal Record and Vulnerable Sector Check (paid by Employer)
  • Must be fully vaccinated

Contact Tracing Monitor Supervisor $30 per hour

  • Completion of High School or equivalent
  • Valid Ontario Class G Driver’s Licence
  • Professional and courteous individuals
  • Reliable with ability to work shift work
  • Comfortable working in all weather conditions
  • Excellent communication and conflict resolution skills
  • Acceptable Criminal Record and Vulnerable Sector Check (paid by Employer)
  • Must be fully vaccinated



Job posting:
Co-Ordinator Four Feathers Coop – 205 Commissioners Rd, W; London ON. N6J 1X9
Term: Part – Time (15-20hrs)
Posting: December 29, 2021        Closing Date: January 14th 2022 (second posting)
Salary: based on experience and education

Job Summary:

The co-Ordinator’s job is to oversee and be accountable for the management of the co-op subject to the general direction of the board of directors.  The coordinator acts as an agent of the co-op in delegated areas of authority.  The coordinator provides support to the co-op board and members, and keep the co-op in touch with the wider co-op housing sector.


  •       administrative and bookkeeping experience 2 -5 years
  •       Proficiency with Microsoft Office programs – Sage
  •       Certification in Book keeping
  •       Experience conducting board meeting and providing minutes
  •       Eligibility Coordinator training or willing to obtain training
  •       Must be computer literate and well versed in Microsoft Office Suite

Mandatory Documents with application

  •       Cover letter
  •       Resume
  •       2 work related references names and numbers only
  •       Upon successful employment, the candidate must provide a current VS-CPIC, at own expense
  •       Reliable transportation

First Nations preference and culture would be an asset

To apply: Please forward your resume and cover letter to Paula Massiah, Job developer at Nokee Kwe, paulam@nokeekwe.com

BGL Contractors Corp. Job Postings



Library Space is Community Place! A Richness of Resources! We connect people with information, services and content in the format of their choice, for a personalized Library experience.


Are you interested in?                 

  • Providing excellent customer service to all patrons as a key customer service point of contact with members of the public interested in accessing London Public Library services;
  • Providing assistance with technology;
  • Providing information services, reference and referral services, as well as readers’ advisory services;
  • Assisting patrons in our lending services.

Do you have?:

  • Outstanding customer service skills;
  • A passion for the London community;
  • Knowledge and experience using technology such as: computer software, scanners, photocopiers, research databases, hand held devices such as iPads, e-readers, smart phones, our digital collection;
  • Enthusiasm, creativity, are outgoing, and a continuous learner;
  • Proven ability to communicate effectively;
  • The ability to work independently and in a team environment;
  • Two years post-secondary education;
  • The ability to work on an on-call, as needed, temporary basis throughout our 16 locations;
  • The availability to be able to work a minimum of 25 hours per week, including days, evenings and Saturdays, as requested.

Band 3 – $21.671 to $27.685 per hour.

Candidates are requested to submit a detailed resume outlining experience and qualifications by January 29, 2022  to: human.resources@lpl.ca
Please visit our website at: http://www.londonpubliclibrary.ca/employment
No phone calls please.

The London Public Library will provide accommodation to applicants with disabilities in its recruitment processes upon request consistent with the Ontario Human Rights Code and the AODA regulations.
Applicants for employment, who have been provided with a conditional offer of employment will be asked to provide, at his or her own expense, a satisfactory Police Vulnerable Sector Check and/or Police Information Check, as applicable.

While we appreciate all applications received, only those invited for an interview will be acknowledged. Any personal information submitted will be managed in accordance with the requirements of the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act and will be used only to determine eligibility for employment.
We are an equal opportunity employer.





Reporting to the Mnaasged Child and Family Services (MCFS) Alternative Care Supervisor, the Alternative Care Helper is responsible for providing support to Alternative Care Providers, as well as the recruitment and retention of Alternative Care homes.  The Alternative Care Helper will conduct Home Assessments in accordance with agency procedures and Ministry guidelines.  Additionally, the Alternative Care Helper is responsible for the coordination of Alterative Care services to ensure that children and youth in the care of the Children’s Aid Society receive optimum wholistic care, and that the services meet Society and Ministry standards.  The Alternative Care Helper functions within legislative requirements, regulations, policies and procedures and the Mission, Beliefs and Vision of MCFS and contributes to the accomplishment of the strategic priorities.


Support Functions:

  • Assess, monitor and support Alternative Care services to ensure that children and youth in the care of the Society receive optimum wholistic care, and that the services meet Society and Ministry standards.
  • Maintaining detailed records of Alternative Care homes;
  • Completing intervention plans when a concern or allegation has been identified with an Alternative Care home;

Collaterals/Meetings/Case Conferences/Reports

  • Attending case conferences with Child In Care Helper or Child Protection Helper when requested;
  • Working cooperatively with Child In Care Helpers to support placement;
  • Working with First Nation(s) and external agencies to help recruit, assess and support an increase of Indigenous alternative care homes;

Case Management

  • Completing ongoing assessment and revisions to status and needs of the Alternative Care home;
  • Meeting regularly with the Child in Care Helper and Child Protection Helper to ensure that the Alternative Care homes are providing quality care, and that the needs of the Alternative Care home are taken into consideration;
  • Ensuring a minimum of monthly visits – both unannounced and announced – with each Alternative Care home;
  • Advocacy on behalf of the Alternative Care providers and/or Alternative Care child or youth as required.

Program Specific

  • Assisting in developing an annual training plan through consultation with staff and Alternative Care Providers;
  • Participate in afterhours/on-call support
  • Participating in regular review and revision of policies, procedures and manuals related to the Alternative Care program.
  • Organizing and coordinating recognition and social events Agency duties and responsibilities

Participating in MCFS team meetings.

  • Participating willingly and constructively in the supervision and evaluation process with the Alternative Care Supervisor.
  • Working as a team member by presenting information and recommendations in an objective and articulate manner during meetings and when working with staff.
  • Ensuring confidentiality and safekeeping of all Board, MCFS and First Nation documents and records.
  • Submitting regular monthly travel and time sheets.
  • Complete and submit required documentation for monthly per diems’ payments to Alternative Care Providers to the Alternative Care Supervisor.
  • Complete all data entry as required within the agency’s current data base.
  • Performing other duties as requested.


Minimum Education

  • Preferred university degree in Human Services
  • Required College Diploma in Human Services.

Minimum Experience

  • Two (2) years’ direct experience in a social services agency
  • Equivalent combination of training and experience may be considered

Knowledge Requirements

  • Knowledge of MCFS programs and services
  • Respect for, sensitivity towards as well as knowledge and understanding of Indigenous culture, and traditions
  •  Strong knowledge of the Child and Family Services Act, Eligibility Spectrum, Ontario Safety Assessment, Family Risk Assessment and  Strengths and Needs Assessment
  • Knowledge of First Nation service delivery, customs and traditions in responding to child welfare
  • Knowledge of external services and service agencies


  • Excellent computer skills with MS Office software
  • Strong interpersonal skills
  • Excellent oral and written communication skills
  • Excellent organizational and planning skills
  • Excellent time management skills

Other Requirements

  • Must provide a clear Police Records Check with Vulnerable Sector Check
  • Must have a Class ‘G’ Ontario Driver’s License, access to a vehicle and the ability to travel

SALARY                $46,000 – 50,000.00

Hours of Work

Hours of work are generally 8:30 am – 4:30 pm for a 37.5 hour work week, Monday to Friday with half an hour (30 minute) lunches.  As well, the successful candidate must be able to work as required some evenings and weekends

This is a permanent full time position.
Pension and benefits become available upon completion of 6 month probationary period

CLOSING DATE: Friday, January 21, 2022 at 4:30 pm

Mnaasged gives preference to any First Nation applicants for any employment opportunities as per Section (16)1 of the Canadian Human Rights Act.
Anyone requiring more information about our agency or this position may contact:
Allen Deleary, Human Resources Developer
(519) 289-1117 ext. 237

Please forward your cover letter, resume and 3 working references letters via fax, email or mail to:
Human Resource Department
Mnaasged Child and Family Services
311 Jubilee Rd. Muncey, ON N0L 1Y0
Telephone: 519-289-1117, Fax: 519-289-289-3068


Oxford Spine Centre
Office administrator/receptionist

Duties and responsibilities:

  • answering phone
  • Booking and scheduling appointments on computer program
  • Billing insurance claims online
  •  processing payments and invoicing clients
  • sending emails and faxes
  • assisting the doctor with patients as needed, recording treatment applications as per the doctor instructions
  • maintaining sanitized environment, adhering to Covid-19 health and safety procedures and protocols

– excellent customer service skills
– strong verbal and writing skills
– proficiency in Microsoft office and Excel

Monday 11-6
Tuesday 9-5
Wed 11-6
Thursday 9-5

To apply: Please forward your resume by January 21st; 2022, to Paula Massiah, Job Developer at Nokee Kwe –  paulam@nokeekwe.com



is currently accepting online applications for the following positions listed on the City of London website www.london.ca/mycareer

  • Payroll Assistant                                    COL00658               Closing Date:  January 20, 2022
  • Senior Core Area Representative        COL00659               Closing Date:  January 20, 2022
  • Manager, Facilities Project Planner   COL00660               Closing Date: January 20, 2022

As an inclusive employer, the City of London is committed to providing a fully accessible recruitment process. Please contact us at any time during the recruitment process and let us know what accessible supports you may need.




The Toronto Transit Commission offers student positions during the summer months from approximately May to September. The majority of positions start within the first few of weeks of May and students are required to work for the entire summer term.

Click on the links to learn more:

Federal FHRMIRA Legislation in force as of Dec 12, 2014

The new federal Family Homes on Reserve and Matrimonial Interests or Rights Act is in force as of December 16, 2014. The new legislation will affect First Nations reserve land transactions such as Land Transfers, New land leases and permits, Lease Assignments, Estate distributions, etc.

The law requires expanded information to complete the above transactions. New forms have been created for Assessments, Declarations and Spousal Consent that must be completed, as applicable. The required forms are available at the Lands Management Office. If you are not sure if your transaction requires new paperwork to be filed, please contact the Lands Manager to review your situation.