Nawash Band Representative Program (Child Welfare)
Pam Linklater, Supervisor
Band Representative:
Lesley Shoefly-Kyte
Tel: (519) 534-3818 ext. 823

The Chippewas of Nawash Unceded First Nation is a strong advocate for members who are child welfare clients involved with a Children’s Aid Society. We ensure that our members understand their rights and that their rights are respected by the various institutions they must deal with. The Band Representation Service acts as the representative of the First Nation and is a party to all Family Court Proceedings when band member children are in the care of a Children’s Aid Society. This service is provided for cases both on and off reserve. Our intent is that, wherever possible, children who are Band Members of the First Nation will be cared for by a family of the First Nation, or by another Native Family, so that they do not lose their connection to our Native culture and heritage.