Executive Assistant:
Martha Pedoniquotte
Tel:  519-534-1689
Fax: 519-534-2130

Office Clerk
Vanessa Keeshig
Tel:  519-534-1689
Fax: 519-534-2130

Senior Administrative Officer:
Mike Earl
Tel:  519-534-1689
Fax: 519-534-2130 sao@nawash.ca

Manager of Operations:
Pam Linklater
Tel:  519-534-1689
Fax: 519-534-2130 operationsmanager@nawash.ca

 Chief & Council 2023-2025

Pictured from left to right: Chief Gregory Nadjiwon, Councillors: Nick Saunders, Jessica Keeshig-Martin, Carlene Keeshig, Paul Jones, Beverley Nadjiwon, Arlene Chegahno, Theron Solomon, Miptoon and Norma Tobey


Neyaashiinigmiing’s governing body consists of One Chief and Nine Councillors.
Chief and Council are elected every two years in accordance with the Indian Act.


Ogimaa - Chief Gregory Nadjiwon Chief@nawash.ca
Cell: 226-379-3322
1 Head Councillor Anthony Chegahno council.anthony@nawash.ca
Cell: 519-379-6587
2 Councillor Arlene Chegahno council.arlene@nawash.ca
Cell: 519-379-0468
3 Councillor Carlene Keeshig council.carlene@nawash.ca
Cell: 519-378-5319
4 Councillor Norma Tobey council.norma@nawash.ca
Cell: 519-378-5680
5 Councillor Beverley Nadjiwon..... council.beverley@nawash.ca
Cell: 519-378-5376
6 Councillor Nick Saunders council.nick@nawash.ca
Cell: 519-379-5949
7 Councillor Jessica Keeshig-Martin..... council.jessica@nawash.ca
Cell: 226-379-3162
8 Councillor Theron Solomon


Cell: 226-379-3158
9. 9 Councillor Paul Jones council.paul@nawash.ca
Cell: 226-379-3149



Chippewas of Nawash Unceded First Nation
Updated Council Portfolios 2023-2025
September 15, 2023