Colpoy’s Bay Band

John H. Beattie ——————– Prior to 1854
John Jones ————————–Prior to 1854
Joseph Jones ———————–Prior to 1861

The first elected chief for this band was Thomas Sky.

*** Amalgamated with Chippewas of Nawash Band ***

Chippewas of Nawash Band



Selection /Term


Georg A. Tabigwon Prior to 1863 Died 1873
William B. McGregor
Adner Elliott

James Solomon
Moses Kaikaik
Peter Elliott
Joseph Wahbezee
July 1868 – 1893
April 6, 1893

Second Chief
Resigned Apr. 1, 1895

Resigned Oct. 1894
William B. McGregor James Solomon
John Akiwenzie Sr.
Peter Elliott
Moses Kaikaik
June 29, 1895 – 1898

William B. McGregor
James Solomon
John Akiwenzie
Moses Kaikaik
Peter Elliott
Stephen Elliott
Moses Kaikaik
July 1, 1898 – 1901

Mar. 6, 1899
Feb. 9, 1990

Resigned Feb. 6, 1899
Died 1900
William B. McGregor Stephen Elliott
John Akiwenzie
Moses Kaikaik
James Solomon
J. W. Keeshig
July 15, 1901 – 1904

Sept. 14, 1903

Died 1903

William B. McGregor
Stephen Elliott
J. W. Keeshig
Edwin Johnston
Edward Keeshig
July 4, 1904 – 1907

Resigned Mar. 15, 1906

Edward Keeshig
Edwin Johnston
Peter Taylor
Charles Jones
David Sims
Stephen Elliott
June 15, 1907 – 1910

April 6, 1908

Died March 1908

Edward Keeshig
Charles Jones
Stephen Elliott
Carl Jones
Paul Nadjiwon
June 10, 1910 – 1913

Charles K. Jones
Stephen Elliott
Peter Nadjiwon
George Waukey
Joseph Elliott
June 2, 1913 – 1916

Resigned Mar. 14, 1916

Charles K. Jones
Stephen Elliott
Jacob Akiwenzie
Edgar Jones
Frank Ashkewe
David Sims
Jacob Waukey
Paul Johnston
June 1, 1916 – 1919

Resigned May 6, 1918
Died April 16, 1918
Resigned Feb. 17, 1917

Charles K. Jones
J. C. Jones
David Sims
Thomas Solomon
Frank Ashkewe
June 23, 1919 – 1922

John Wesley Keeshig
Norman McLeod
Alex Johnston
Thomas Solomon
Jonah Chegahno
Oliver Johnston
June 7, 1922 – 1925

Feb. 2, 1925

Resigned 1925

Charles K. Jones
Oliver Johnston
William Elliott
Enoch Taylor
Jonah Chegahno
Oliver Johnston

Enoch Taylor
Alexander Johnston
Peter C. Nadjiwon
June 15, 1925 – 1928

Oct. 1, 1925

Oct. 1, 1925
Aug. 26, 1926
Aug. 26, 1926

Resigned 1925

Resigned 1925

Deposed 1926
Resigned Aug. 6, 1926
Charles K. Jones
Alex Johnston
Thomas Solomon
Wilfred Lamourandiere
Lawrence Keeshig
Peter C. Nadjiwon
June 25, 1928 – 1931

Sept. 15, 1930

Resigned 1930
Charles K. Jones
Alex Johnston
Peter C. Nadjiwon
Wilfred Lamourandiere
Thomas Jones
Andrew Solomon
June 22, 1931

July 4, 1932


Oliver Johnston
Stephen Elliott
Peter C. Nadjiwon
Andrew Solomon
Alex Johnston
June 13, 1934 – 1937

Resigned Oct. 9, 1936
Oliver Johnston
Wilfred Lamourandiere
Peter Nadjiwon
William Elliott
Alfred Jones
June 14, 1937 – 1940

Thomas Jones
John C. Jones
Wellington Elliott
Ephriam Ashkewe
Loe V. Akiwenzie
June 21, 1940 – 1943

Thomas Jones
John C. Jones
Arthur Jones
Lewellyn Chegahno
Abram Elliott
June 21, 1943 – 1946

Thomas Jones
Alfred Jones
Ephriam Ashkewe
Bernard R. Nadjiwon
John Johnston
June 18, 1946 – 1949

Peter C. Nadjiwon
Alfred Jones
John C. Jones
Charlie Nadjiwon
Arthur Jones
June 15, 1949 – 1952

April 11, 1950

Resigned Feb. 28, 1950
Thomas Jones
Bryce Elliott
John Johnston
Georgina Waukey
Arthur Jones
Ernest Akiwenzie
June 9, 1952 – 1954

Arthur Jones
Ernest Akiwenzie
Howard Chegahno
Stanley Elliott
Orville Johnston
Una Jones
June 16, 1954 – 1956

Thomas Jones
Howard Chegahno
Orville Johnston
John Johnston
Alfred Jones
William Nadjiwon
Clifford Nadjiwon
Joseph V. Akiwenzie
John C. Jones
June 11, 1956 – 1960

July 31, 1956
June 23, 1958
Died June 17, 1956

Died Jan 16, 1960
Orville Johnston
Ernest Akiwenzie
Howard Chegahno
John Johnston
George Keeshig
Clifford Nadjiwon
Una Jones
June 8, 1960

Vernon Jones
Howard Chegahno
Fred Jones
George Keeshig
Clifford Nadjiwon
Una Jones
John Nadjiwon
Orville K. Johnston
Victor Johnston
June 19, 1962

Jan 7, 1994
Jan 7, 1964

Deposed Dec. 18, 1963

Deposed Dec. 18, 1963

Wilmer Nadjiwon
Orville K. Johnston
John Johnston
George Keeshig
Alfred Jones
John Nadjiwon
George Elliott
June 16, 1964

Wilmer Nadjiwon
Howard Chegahno
George Elliott
John Johnston
Walter Johnston
Giles Keeshig
Keitha Keeshig
June 15, 1966

Resigned Mar. 20, 1967

Resigned Oct. 10, 1967

Joseph Akiwenzie
John Nadjiwon
Frederick Jones
April 28, 1967 – 1968
April 28, 1967
Oct. 31, 1967
Additional Counselor
Wilmer Nadjiwon
Howard Chegahno
Lorne C. Hill
Orville K. Johnston
Walter Johnston
Robert Jones
Vernon Jones
Charles Nadjiwon
June 15, 1968 – 1970

Wilmer Nadjiwon
Howard Chegahno
Lorne C. Hill
Orville K. Johnston
Walter Johnston
Keitha Keeshig
John Nadjiwon
Ella Waukey
June 15, 1970

Wilmer Nadjiwon Howard Chegahno
Orville K. Johnston
Walter Johnston
Keitha Keeshig
Richard Jones
Frank Solomon
Ella Waukey
June 12, 1972

Resigned June 14, 1973

Franklin Solomon
Ronald Proulx
Richard Jones
Wilson Ashkewe
Walter Johnston
Keitha Keeshig
Melvin Elliott
John Nadjiwon
James Jones
Wilmer Nadjiwon
June 10, 1974

Feb. 26, 1976
Feb. 26, 1976

Removed Feb. 11, 1976

Resigned Jan 2, 1976Bi-election
Wilmer Nadjiwon
Richard Jones
Wilmer Nadjiwon
Walter Johnston
Melvin Elliott
Orvan Solomon
Marshall Nadjiwon
Keith Chegahno
Howard Chegahno
Bernice Hill
June 16, 1976

Dissolved July 11, 1977

Franklin Solomon
Ronald Proulx
Richard Jones
Walter Johnston
John Nadjiwon
Marshall Nadjiwon
Edward Lavalley
Howard Chegahno
James JonesHoward Chegahno
Walter Johnston
James Jones
Edward Lavalley
John Nadjiwon
Marshall Nadjiwon
July 25, 1977

–Jan 4, 1978

Set aside
19 Feb. 1977
OCPC 1977-3277


Franklin Solomon
Richard Jones
John Nadjiwon
Edward Lavalley
Howard Chegahno
Ronald Proulx
Ella Waukey
Francis Nadjiwon
Marshall Nadjiwon
Orvan Solomon
July 23, 1979

Feb. 26, 1980

Resigned Feb. 2, 1980
Franklin Solomon
Richard Jones
Ralph Akiwenzie
Orvan Solomon
Howard Jones
Howard Chegahno
Bernard Keeshig
Ella Waukey
Francis Nadjiwon
July 23, 1981

Peter J. Akiwenzie

Richard Jones
Ralph Akiwenzie
Arthur R. Elliott
Howard Jones
J. Bernard Keeshig
Ella Waukey
Sylvia Akiwenzie
Edward L. Johnston
Howard Chegahno
July 25, 1983

Set aside Feb. 16, 1984
OCPC 1984-509

Set aside OCPC 1984-509
Peter J. Akiwenzie
Edward Johnston
Mar. 19, 1984
Mar. 19, 1984
Peter J. Akiwenzie
Richard Jones
Ralph Akiwenzie
Arthur R. Elliott
Howard Jones
Bernard Keeshig
Ella Waukey
Sylvia Akiwenzie
Randel Proulx
Melvin Elliott
Franklin Solomon
July 22, 1985

Peter J. AkiwenzieHoward M. Jones
Arthur R. Elliott
Howard Jones
Gordon Johnston
Ella Waukey
Sylvia Akiwenzie
R. Ernest Nadjiwon
Wilmer F. Nadjiwon
Randel Proulx
Ralph Akiwenzie
Anthony S. Cheghano
July 20, 1987

Nov. 17, 1988
Resigned Oct. 31, 1988

Ralph Akiwenzie
Wayne R. Solomon
Sidney Nadjiwon
Gregory Nadjiwon
Peter J. Akiwenzie
Ella Waukey
Sylvia Akiwenzie
Walter Chegahno
Stella Johnston
Arlene Chegahno
Donald McLeod
Franklin Solomon
July 17, 1989

May 2, 1990

Ralph Akiwenzie
Eric Johnston
Paul Jones
Walter Chegahno
Arlene Chegahno
Sidney Nadjiwon
Ella Waukey
Franklin Solomon
Donald McLeod
Gregory Nadjiwon
Melvin Nadjiwon
Stella Johnston
Rhonda Pedoniquotte
Keith Chegahno
Bernard Keeshig
Wayne Solomon
July 19, 1991

July 3, 1992
July 3, 1992
July 3, 1992

Resigned Apr. 16, 1992

Resigned Apr. 14, 1992
Resigned Apr. 15, 1992
Ralph Akiwenzie
Sidney Nadjiwon
Bernard Keeshig
Isabel Millette
Blake Jones
Frank Solomon
Keith Chegahno
Paul Jones
Melvin Elliott
Ross Johnston
Giles Keeshig
Ella Waukey
Arlene Chegahno
July 16, 1993

Ralph Akiwenzie
Sidney Nadjiwon
Keith Chegahno
Peter J. Akiwenzie
Joyce Johnston
L. Kim Akiwenzie
Paul Jones
Isabel Millette
Frank Solomon
July 1995


Ralph Akiwenzie
Wendall Nadjiwon
Greg Nadjiwon
Carleen Elliott
Isabel Millette
Dale Jones
Paul Jones
Peter J. Akiwenzie
Frank Solomon
Joyce Johnston

Ralph Akiwenzie
Patrick Nadjiwon
Frank Solomon
Joyce Johnston
Isabel Millette
Wendall Nadjiwon
Water Chegahno
Paul Jones
Dale Jones
Peter J. Akiwenzie

Ralph Akiwenzie
Isabel Millette
Joyce Johnston
Frank Solomon
Water Chegahno
Paul Jones
Dale Jones
Anthony Chegahno
Peter J. Akiwenzie
Bernard Keeshig

Ralph Akiwenzie
Keith Chegahno
Jessica Nadjiwon
Walter Chegahno
Mary E. Johnston
Joyce Johnston
Isabel Millette
Paul Jones
Geewadin Elliott

Paul Nadjiwan
Larry Lavallee
Melvin Elliott
Kathy Jones
Mary E. Johnston
Anthony Chegahno
Peter J. Akiwenzie
Frank Solomon
Walter Chegahno
Paul Jones

Ralph Akiwenzie
Gail Nadjiwon
Paul Jones
Martha Pedoniquotte
Veronica Smith
Joyce Johnston
Arthur Elliott
Frank Solomon
Kathy Jones

Died August 8, 2008
Died January 9, 2009
Ralph Akiwenzie
Scott Lee

Scott Lee
Arlene Chegahno
Veronica Smith
Paul Jones
Isabel Millette
Peter J. Akiwenzie
Kathy Jones
Martha Pedoniquotte
Christine Keeshig

Died March 4, 2011
Acting Chief

Scott Lee
Arlene Chegahno
Christopher Solomon Sr.
Paul Jones
Cheryl Johnston
Kathy Jones
Veronica Smith
Peter J. Akiwenzie
Ann Marie Proulx
Isabel Millette

Arlene Chegahno
Scott Lee
Anthony Chegahno
Christopher Solomon Sr.
Paul Jones
Cheryl Johnston
Veronica Smith
Carlene Keeshig
Greg Nadjiwon
Kathy Jones

Resigned Feb. 12, 2014



Chief and Council Term 2015-2017

Gregory Peter Nadjiwon – Chief

Carlene Keeshig – Councillor

John Bernard Keeshig – Councillor

Veronica Smith – Councillor

Christopher Solomon (Sr.) – Councillor

Martha Pedoniquotte – Councillor

Kathy Jones – Councillor

Cheryl Johnston – Councillor

Paul Jones – Councillor

Lana Landon – Councillor



Chief and Council Term 2017-2019

Gregory Peter Nadjiwon – Chief

Anthony Chegahno – Councillor

Carlene Keeshig – Councillor

Arlene F. Chegahno – Councillor

Sidney I. Nadjiwon – Councillor

John Bernard Keeshig – Councillor

Peggy Mansur – Councillor

Martha Pedoniquotte – Councillor

Nick Saunders – Councillor

Joss Ann Russell-Taylor – Councillor



Chief and Council Term 2019-2021

Gregory Peter Nadjiwon – Chief

Anthony Chegahno – Councillor

Nick Saunders – Councillor

Sidney I. Nadjiwon – Councillor

Solomon King – Councillor

Geewadin Elliott – Councillor

Martha Pedoniquotte – Councillor

Carolynn Wright – Councillor (Resigned)

Arlene F. Chegahno – Councillor

John Bernard Keeshig – Councillor



Chief and Council Term 2021-2023

Veronica Smith – Chief

Anthony Chegahno – Councillor

Sidney I. Nadjiwon – Councillor (Resigned)

Arlene Chegahno – Councillor

Carlene Keeshig – Councillor

Norma Tobey – Councillor

Beverly A. Nadjiwon – Councillor

Nick Saunders – Councillor

Randa Keeshig – Councillor

Kathy Jones – Councillor



Chief and Council Term 2023-2025

Gregory Nadjiwon – Chief

Anthony Chegahno – Councillor

Jessica Keeshig-Martin – Councillor

Beverly A. Nadjiwon – Councillor (Resigned Nov/24)

Paul Jones – Councillor

Norma Tobey – Councillor

Arlene Chegahno – Councillor

Carlene Keeshig – Councillor

Nick Saunders – Councillor

Theron Solomon – Councillor