Chippewas of Nawash Unceded First Nation (CNUFN) will be renovating and adding an addition onto the existing Community Centre. This will build on and improve the existing facility for the community, providing designated space for the food bank, to open up all of the community space to its members again. There will also be other energy efficiency upgrades, wheelchair accessible upgrades, etc.
We currently have two design options for you to consider:
Design Option One: This plan features a single main entrance serving both the Community Centre and the Food Bank, with the existing entrance repurposed as a loading area for food storage.
Design Option Two: This option separates the entrances for the Food Bank and the Community Centre, providing distinct access points for each.
Please note: The Food Bank will be moving to a new building in the coming years. When selecting an option, please keep in mind the future use of this space. Potential uses could include a youth center, recreational space, or other community-focused functions.
We value your input and encourage you to help us choose a design that best reflects our community’s values and needs.
Please provide your feedback here:

Option 2: