Jordan's Principle

Jordan’s Principle Navigator
Amanda West
Chippewas of Nawash
Cell: (519) 374-3447

Jordan’s Principal is a child-first principle that ensures there are no gaps in publicly-funded health, social and educational programs, services or supports for First Nations children through substantive equality.

What you will need to fill out an application:

  • Child’s name, DOB, address and Indian Status Card number (if registered)
  • Parent/Guardian name and contact information
  • Reason for your request/identify the child’s unmet need
  • Description of the product/service being requested and how it will address the child’s unmet need
  • Quotes for items/services being requested
  • Documents pertaining to any Assessments, IEP and diagnosis
  • Letter of support from: Medical/Health Personnel, Elder, Mental Health Counselor

What types of programs, services, and supports are covered?

HEALTH: Mobility aids, wheelchair ramps, services from Elders, assessments and screening, medical supplies/equipment, mental health services

SOCIAL: Social workers, land-based activities, respite care, personal support workers, specialized programs based on cultural beliefs and practices

EDUCATIONAL: School supplies, tutoring services, teaching assistant, Psycho-educational assessment, assistive technology/electronics

More services are eligible. Please discuss your needs with the Jordan's Principle Navigator.