Nawash Ice Rink Project
We are a volunteer committee working to:
- build an ice rink facility that is accessible to and meets the needs of our community to improve our people’s overall wellness and sense of well-being.
- increase capacity for recreation, programming and events.
- revitalize community spirit and involvement, improving quality of life, increasing skills for resilience.
Project Description
- 5 Project Phases
- Refrigerated ice surface with attached changerooms, washrooms, storage and seating.
- Capable of maintaining ice roughly 5 months/ season (ambient temp <10’C)
- Ability to transition into other uses (basketball, tennis, events, etc.)
Phase 1: Site Preparation **COMPLETE**
- Level, Drainage, Gravel, Compaction
Phase 2: Floor Component, Boards & Glass
- Cement Pad with piping, boards and glass installed.
Phase 3: Chiller/Refrigeration
- Installation & Training
Phase 4: Roof & Structure
- Roof, Storage, Washrooms, Changerooms
Phase 5: Final Touches & Completion
- Accessories, Seating, Landscaping